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Figure 4 | Geochemical Transactions

Figure 4

From: Geochemically induced shifts in catabolic energy yields explain past ecological changes of diffuse vents in the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N area

Figure 4

Predicted and measured concentrations of iron, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, and methane for diffuse fluids in the Tube Worm Pillar area. Hydrogen is strongly depleted over the entire period. Methane is enriched in the diffuse fluids, which may show methanogenesis in the subseafloor [13]. Until 1997, iron and H2S concentrations are generally lower than predicted from conservative mixing. In November of 1997 predicted and measured concentration are similar to each other. In April of 2000 measured H2S concentrations also correspond to the predictions from conservative mixing, but Fe-concentrations are higher than predicted in the diffuse fluid. Loss of Fe2+ and H2S may be associated with precipitation of minerals. The surplus of measured Fe2+ in 2000 could indicate hydrogenotrophic iron reduction.

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