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Table 1 Some important side reactions of H2S in early diagenesisa

From: Seasonal and topographic variations in porewaters of a southeastern USA salt marsh as revealed by voltammetric profiling†


MnO2 + H2S + 2H+ → Mn2+ + S0 + 2H2O


2FeOOH + H2S + 4H+ → 2Fe2+ + S0 + 4H2O


2FeL n 3 - 2n+ H2S + nH+ → 2Fe2+ + S0 + nHL -b


Fe2+ + H2S FeSaq → FeSs

  1. ae.g.ref. 14, 15, 22–24. bL is assumed to be a bidentate oxygen donor ligand, and n is the number of such ligands in the complex.