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Figure 2 | Geochemical Transactions

Figure 2

From: Enhanced diffusion of Uranium and Thorium linked to crystal plasticity in zircon

Figure 2

Maps of the whole zircon grain derived from EBSD data. Maps contain artifacts resulting from stitching several smaller maps. a) Band contrast map where pixel values correspond to the contrast in hough space, and is a measure of pattern quality. This map shows the external morphology of the grain position of intragrain fractures (e.g., F). The x,y indicates the arbitrary sample reference frame used throughout the study. b) Lower hemisphere equal area stereographic projection of the poles to low-index planes for the reference orientation shown by a cross in (a). Data plotted in the sample reference frame. c) Cumulative misorientation map in which each pixel is coloured for minimum misorientation relative to the reference orientation shown in (a) and (b). This shows lattice distortion is predominantly localised at the grain tips. The right hand box defines a domain (area a) of cumulative misorientation up to 18°, and is the focus of this study. (i) Shows a cross-cutting linear feature that defines an abrupt change in orientation. d) Cumulative misorientation profile for line a-a' shown in (b). The position of a cross-cutting linear feature (i) is indicated by an arrow. e) Lower Hemisphere equal area stereographic projection of showing the dispersion of poles to low-index planes across the whole grain.

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